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Image Garden is Down and We All Have to Suffer for It, Plus Other Things

Another thing of radio silence, folk! I haven't had much happen, and I was busy... Soooo I wasn't able to update the site for ya'll.
On the side, I've been working on a Godot framework for undertale fangames, and NOW I am gonna be working IN an undertale game! 🎉 No details yet, but I definitely hope to get the framework finished with the help of someone else, and release this as open source to further improve it!
If you've been looking at the regular gallery recently, you might've seen that the images are all messed up. Image Garden seems to be out for some reason... HOWEVER I HAVE made a new backup! This version uses imgbox as the host (and the site has an easy-to-use copy-paste feature that made it easy to make this back-up) I have replaced all the links with the back-up. So hopefully that fixes things up.

AAAAND that should be it! Thank ya'll so much for waiting patiently. I'll work on more when I can. Thank ya'll!
- Wobbachu

I have decided to just give up on having the dream of having both parallax AND a smooth scrolling background... BUT I do still have KINDA both, as that the background (kinda) scrolls now!! It's choppy 'cause it's a gif buuuuuut... that's the best I can manage rn.
PLUS now the older art section of the gallery works now, AND bigger than ever before: 300+ images for your viewing leisure. it'll take a while for all the images to load tho...

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