
Tragic Death of Dragoneer

Yesterday, I just found out that Dragoneer just passed away.
Not only that, but Dragoneer passed away from something that is preventable. The US healthcare system screwed him over. They billed him exhorbantly large amounts of money and yet didn't give him treatment before it was too late. He has a fever going on for a WHOLE MONTH. And the medicare office called him "uncooprative" for being too sick to check if they're are able to apply for medicaid. 20 thousand dollars for the first appointment, and 5 thousand for a follow up. This sort of thing is just so despicable.

No one deserves that.
No one deserves the horrid treatment Dragoneer had to go through before passing away.
Never before have I wanted free healthcare more than I do now.
I wish the best for Dragoneer's family. You and him deserved better.

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